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 主題:Business 10 Article taboo - 複製地址


sijialgc  獅子座 辰龍

級別 職業俠客
積分 50
經驗 39
文章 57
註冊 12-05-24 19:22
發表: 2012-07-09 14:48:12 人氣:20072樓主

Business 10 Article taboo

    1. Sit doors off. Business do not [url=http://www.dzbc.org]上海搬家公司[/url] run do not live, and the rapidly changing commodity markets, commodity exchanges to pay attention to timeliness, take the door difficult to see off. The only running, before we get market information, identify the opportunity, in order to profit.
    2. people gnaw dry we gnaw stem. Lack of creative spirit, the total with the others behind him, was led by the nose, others to interest income over, you do it again to profit very little or no income. Only the first step to dominate the market in order to win.
    3. thermal heat treatment. Got hot, they hastily blind action, does not fully prepared to fight no battle unprepared lost more wins. Only a careful analysis of the research market, pending answers, before being launched.
    4 heat-loving tired of the cold. Total to why things dry more beneficial to know that the "carrot tight site. Only [url=http://www.jiaji-kuaiyun.cn]佳吉快运[/url] spotted the "humble", an unexpected winner, it may have in the market
    5 lucrative sales. Zhigu sales of sales of goods, high prices and profits high prohibitive, the results of lucrative sales. Only to see Lee lighten reasonable price will have a customer, puerile, in order to make big money.
    6. Cowards. As the saying goes, as long as the seventh of the grasp action can the remaining one-third to grasp caries failing to rely on you to dispute is not resolved to miss the opportunity not to profit, to know things almost certain to make money in the business in not.
    7. goods more expensive, more do not sell. Goods can not only prices do not decline in value of your to a certain extent, as long as the money they sell, regardless of Profits must be met, if the wait for high prices, and sooner or later lose.
    8 money. Investment no longer willing to make a living money into dead money, only insatiable, expanding the scale of operation and development of expanding their own businesses to the next level.
    9 aim too high. To look down on the small small profit, one to eat into fat, so never also made a fortune. Only from small to large, slowly add up, step by step, the last to climb the pinnacle of wealth.
    10 Good wine needs no bush. Many people focus only on production and not pay attention to marketing, that something good naturally attracted by, which is a passive marketing tool. Only take the initiative to solicit, to expand its influence in order to sell more and [url=http://www.srzt8.com]上海私人侦探[/url] profit Italian.


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