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 主題:Barbara would like to read honestly, deep love - 複製地址


sijialgc  獅子座 辰龍

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註冊 12-05-24 19:22
發表: 2012-05-25 11:08:18 人氣:9444樓主

Barbara would like to read honestly, deep love

   Always have two [url=http://www.srztw.com]上海私家侦探[/url] people in the world: Whether you are poor, rich, happy, sad do not dislike you, they are our most kiss the parents.
   Life really is a magical thing, negative several times square from a fertilized egg is now long to slim children is a miracle, and has created this miracle is parents. Ever see such a microblogging: "If you offend the boss, the loss of just a job; if you offend the customer, the loss of an order; the world only two people can be offended: you give them face to see, you washed them complain loudly contradict them, even in front of their faces fell a bowl, they do not hate you for the simple reason, because they are your parents. "
   The night slowly come, but have not had to go back to get the idea, not for anything else, here there is no feeling of [url=http://www.kongtiaoweixiu8.com]上海空调回收[/url] belonging, there is no feeling of home, back in the rental housing which will feel very lonely, very miss my family. Suddenly opposite was floated: "There is a voice calling to me, return it return yo, wandering wanderer, return it return once in a middle of the night, not sleep yo, stop wandering" around. Whether it is a far call my parents at home? Brush the tears save filled his eyes. Dear Parents: How I miss you, and you enjoy life a little extraordinary.
   A few days is the birthday, the birthday is the first time and you had, psychology is very regrettable. I miss my [url=http://www.zhongtie56.com.cn]中铁快运[/url] father a solid shoulder: clearly remember my father put me on the shoulders, back across the river, took my hand to take the pro-string of the Friends of the scene; how I missed: a child my mother taught me in bed count screen, rain soaked body getting dressed mother gave me a warm, mother of our sister nagging. Mom and Dad will always be the favorite of our sister. Had once mistaken father: he is a bad patriarchal father. But now finally understand the difficulties of the father. Dad never use language to express his love for us, remember the time my eldest sister and sister quarrel, and my father received a phone call is very urgent, how late are still hoping to receive their phone (sister waited on the phone before they the phone is switched off). I remember the school once the school holidays I returned home to find a table full of all I like to eat: Konjac ducks, jelly, cold noodles, Lu Ji feet, she said: your father know you want to come back early in the morning went to the bazaar and bought a lot of you like to eat vegetables. While the father is on the side said: "so much to do, hurry up to eat, wait on the cold watching listening to the tears flowed from the mouth under. Father with actions perfect interpretation of the "silent love."
   Worldly point of view, discourse a few people do not care about it? May have, but few, and my father, after all, is a mortal, and live in a patriarchal rural, and my father can not escape the secular. So my mom and dad gave me a brother, many years ago and her mother gave birth to me, of course, I am also a woman, when her grandmother looked at me and not a boy, to be the father to take me to enchant a son to come back with, but Mom and Dad want to, others I just hold out the door, Mom and Dad cried and held me back, my father said: "no son, no son, this is my daughter, who even think about with go, I have to carry the support ", so I stay in this warm family down, enjoying the affection of the blood is thicker than water. Really appreciate the love of the father and mother. They may have a little guilty about it, from childhood to now, feel the happiest I have loved her father and mother, dearest sisters care, never experienced any ups and downs. Until now.
   Now graduated, worked for a person's life, many things are not used to always, often late at night, think of the back of the father, mother's nagging, older sisters. I know that a community will live very well, but the mind is more always such [url=http://www.zcqh8.cn]租车[/url] care and miss.


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